Useful Info

Where to buy Lisboa Card? List of stores and pickup points

The Lisboa Card can be purchased either. online which in person at the Ask Me Lisboa and Ask Me Sintra tourist offices, such as Lisbon Airport, Palacio Foz, Lisboa Welcome Center, and others. Let's see together where to buy Lisboa Card And how to activate it easily.

Lisboa Card: Access to 51 attractions + public transportation

Buy the official Lisbon tourist card and access over 50 attractions for free or at a discounted price.

Where can I buy Lisboa Card?

Buy Lisboa Card Online

You can purchase the Lisboa Card online via the dedicated website. This allows you to get the card in advance And plan your itinerary at your leisure.

Once the card is purchased online, you will receive an electronic voucher via email.

You will only need to Show the email in the Arrivals terminal at Lisbon airport. (or at Ask Me Lisboa offices) to pick up the physical card.

Remember that when you purchase a Lisboa Card, this is not automatically activated. Validity begins only When you first start using it. The paper is Valid for one year from the time of purchase, so you have ample time to plan your trip.

Purchasing the card online is according to us the most convenient option, because it allows you to avoid the possible queues that can form at Lisbon tourist offices.

Where to buy and where to pick up Lisboa Card in Lisbon

Where to buy the Lisboa card in Lisbon? Here are some options for purchase and pick up Lisbon card at Ask Me Lisboa tourist offices, located in different parts of the city.

Ask Me Lisboa | Lisbon Airport

You will find the Ask me Lisboa tourism office at Lisbon Airport, specifically in the arrivals area. You can pick it up after you purchase it online or you can buy it directly on site (beware of the queues that may form).

This is a convenient option if you wish to start using it immediately upon arrival.

  • Address: Alameda das Comunidades Portuguesas, 1700-111 Lisboa, Portugal
  • Tel: +351 218450660
  • Email:
  • Opening Hours.: daily from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Ask Me Lisboa | Palácio Foz

Located in the Praça dos Restauradores, the Palácio Foz is another place where you can buy or pick up the Lisboa Card in person. It is a convenient choice if you are nearby.

  • Address: Praça dos Restauradores 13, 1250-187 Lisboa, Portugal
  • Tel: +351 213463314
  • Email:
  • Opening Hours.: daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Ask Me Lisboa | Lisboa Story Centre

This center is located in the charming Praça do Comércio. It is a central and easily accessible spot where you can get your Lisboa Card.

  • Address: Praça do Comércio, 1100-038. Lisboa
  • Tel: +351 914081366
  • Email:
  • Opening Hours.: daily from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Ask Me Lisboa | Santa Apolónia Station

If you arrive in Lisbon by train, Stª Apolónia International Station is an option to purchase the Lisboa Card and start enjoying its benefits right away.

  • Address: Alameda das Comunidades Portuguesas, 1700-111 Lisboa, Portugal
  • Tel: +351 915789923
  • Email:
  • Opening Hours.: Wednesday through Sunday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Ask Me Lisboa | Rossio

The Rossio tourist office is another Lisboa Card pickup point. It is located in the Rossio district, a stone's throw from the do Carmo Archaeological Museum in central Lisbon.

  • Address: Praça D. Pedro IV, Rossio, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Tel: +351 915789923
  • Email:
  • Opening Hours.: Tuesday through Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Other pickup points in Lisbon and Sintra

  • Ask Me Lisboa | Regedor: Rua Jardim do Regedor 50, Lisboa | 10h13h | 14h-17h30
  • Ask Me | Cais do Sodré: Praça do Duque de Terceira, Lisboa | 9h-17h30
  • Ask Me Lisboa | Torre de Belém: Av. Brasília, 1400-038 Lisboa | 10h-17h30
  • Ask Me Lisboa | Mosteiro dos Jerónimos: Praça do Império 1400-206, Lisboa | 10h-17h30 | Closed Mondays, 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month
  • Ask Me Sintra: Praça da República, 23, 2710-616 Sintra | 10-18h30
  • Ask Me Sintra | CP Station: Av. Dr. Miguel Bombarda, 2710-590 Sintra | 9h-17h

Lisboa Card: Access to 51 attractions + public transportation

Buy the official Lisbon tourist card and access over 50 attractions for free or at a discounted price.

Where to buy Lisboa Card: frequently asked questions

Can one purchase the Lisboa card in person?

Yes, you can purchase the Lisboa card at Ask Me Lisboa tourism offices, the main ones being located at Lisbon Airport, Palacio Fox, Lisboa Welcome Center, and Santa Apollonia train station. However, to avoid the long lines that may form at the appropriate offices, it is strongly recommended that you buy Lisboa Card online.

Where to buy Lisbon Card at the airport?

Yes, you can buy Lisboa Card at the airport, at the arrivals terminal. However, to avoid the long lines that may form at the appropriate offices, it is strongly recommended that you buy Lisboa Card online.

How much does the card to Lisbon cost?

The price of the Lisboa Card varies according to the duration selected: 27 euros for the 24-hour one, 44 euros for the 48-hour version, and 54 euros for the 72-hour option. For minors between the ages of 4 and 15, there are special discounts: 18 euros for the 24-hour pass, 24.50 euros for the 48-hour pass, and 30.50 euros for the 72-hour variant.

What is included in the Lisboa Card?

The Lisboa Card includes free admission to more than 26 Lisbon tourist attractions (such as the Belém Tower and the Monastery dos Jeronimos), a discount on more than 38 attractions (such as the Oceanário de Lisboa and the Lisboa Telecabine), and unlimited travel on all public transportation in Lisbon (including streetcar 28). Discover what the Lisboa Card includes.

How to activate the Lisboa card?

Regardless of the date of purchase, the card is activated only the first time it is used. When you decide to activate it using public transportation, simply tap the card on the validator on the subway or bus, where it will be verified.

Where to pick up Lisboa card?

Vouchers can be redeemed for a Lisboa Card at several tourism office locations in the city and at the airport. In the confirmation email you will find a detailed list of pick-up points, their addresses and opening hours.

How long is the validity of the Lisboa Card?

The validity of the Lisboa Card is calculated by hours, not days. So regardless of when you decide to activate it, the card will remain valid for a continuous period of 24, 48 or 72 hours. For example, if you start your 24-hour Lisboa Card at 11:00 am, it will be valid until 11:00 am the next day. Once activated, the hour count begins for the chosen duration of the Lisboa Card (24, 48 or 72 hours). I recommend that you note the date and time when you first used the card directly on the card itself, so you can keep track of how much time you have left.

Where to get Lisboa Card: conclusions

Here we have come to the end of this article in which we have seen. Where to make and where to collect the Lisbon Card (in case you decide to buy it online).

If you have any doubts or questions, please leave a comment below. We will be happy to help you explore Lisbon in the best way possible.

Lisboa Card: Access to 51 attractions + public transportation

Buy the official Lisbon tourist card and access over 50 attractions for free or at a discounted price.

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34 Comments. Leave new

  • I have a question about accessing attractions with the Lisboa Card. Do I also need to buy a ticket for the visit or to book it, or do I just need to come there with the card when I want (for example, to the Belem Tower)?

    • Dear Gabriele,

      With Lisboa Card you can avoid the long queues at the ticket office of each attraction, which is very convenient especially when visiting Mosteiro dos Jerónimos.

      At the moment, even though it is required to make a pre-reservation to visit Torre de Belém, there is a specific queue for the Lisboa Card owners at the mirrored Kiosk near the Tower, so you will be able to pick up your entrance ticket for a specific time slot much faster compared to when you don't own a Lisboa Card.

      Wish you a great holiday in Lisbon,

  • Muy buenas noches. Se puede reservar por online todas las visitas co las tarjetas card Lisboa o las tenemos que coger al momento?

    • Hola Xavier,

      No hay forma de hacer una reserva online por adelantado para las atracciones, indicando que se tiene la tarjeta en el momento de la compra.

      De hecho, tienes que presentarte en persona en la taquilla con tu Lisboa Card en la mano y esperar que haya sitio a la hora o el día de tu visita.

      Soy consciente de que no es lo mejor, pero afortunadamente muy pocas atracciones exigen reserva obligatoria.

      La única solución que se me ocurre es acudir a horas en las que no haya muchos visitantes (para saber cuáles son las mejores horas, te recomiendo que hagas una reserva online, así podrás ver las plazas disponibles para cada franja horaria en tiempo real).

      Saludos cordiales,

  • Hallo, wanneer ik de kaart online wens te kopen, dien ik een datum aan te klikken. Is dit de datum wanneer ik deze kaart wens af te halen ?

  • We are staying in seixtal, can we use the card to travel back and from our staying address to visit Lisboa?

  • Christine De boeck
    July 18, 2024 12:29 pm


    Kunnen we de lisboa kaart ook kopen in cascais ?

  • Bonjour,
    Arrivée à Cascais en bateau, est-il possible d'acheter cette carte sur place pour rejoindre Lisbonne en train ?

  • Good morning,

    I purchased 2 Lisboa cards (48 and 72 hours each) for 2 people, through a travel agent (who purchased it by booking it online). I am now in possession of an 'order confirmed' email. I will have to present this email at an 'Ask me Lisboa' point at Lisbon airport, and there I will receive the 2 Lisboa cards, right?

    Thank you

  • Bonjour,
    Combien de temps d'attente, en moyenne, pour récupérer la Lisboa Card au guichet Ask Me Lisboa de l'aéroport vers 18h00 ?
    Merci de votre réponse.

  • Hi,
    Do I need to show passports to collect cards or is there an alternative option?

  • Bonjour,
    Pour une arrivée tardive à l'aéroport (22h55) est-il possible de retirer la Lisboa Card ?
    Ou faut-il malheureusement attendre le lendemain et retirer dans un autre point de retrait ?
    Merci pour votre retour.

    • Bonjour Diane, vous pouvez retirer votre Lisboa Card à l'aéroport de 7h15 à 21h30.

      Si vous arrivez plus tard, vous devrez récupérer la carte le lendemain à l'endroit de votre choix.

      Meilleures salutations

  • If I buy my card online can I pick it up at Palácio Foz because I will not be traveling through the airport.

  • Bonjour je désire acheter le Pass sintra jumelé à lisboa card ,cela est il possible sur place ou faut il passer obligatoirement par internet.merci

  • Hallo, ich komme mit der Aida nach Lissabon und habe die Karte bereits gekauft. Wo kann ich diese dann abholen?

  • J arrive à Lisbonne le 31 mars 2025
    Puis acheter ma Lisboa card en ligne aujourd'hui 14 février ?

  • Hello,
    Aside from transit, is there any other way of activating the card? I will be picking the card up at the airport, but not activating it until 2 days later when I am in Alcobaça. Can I activate it at the Alcobaça Monastery?
    Thank you.

    • Hi Melanie,

      The Lisbon Card becomes active upon the first use.

      When you visit your first attraction or use public transportation for the first time, the card will be activated and will remain valid for the selected duration (24, 48, or 72 hours).

      Wish you a great holiday in Lisbon,

  • Good morning Andrea.
    I arrive at Lisbon Airport on Friday, March 7 at 10:45 p.m. and am staying at the Hotel Gat Rossio. I am considering whether I should take the Lisboa Card for 72h based on accessibility to attractions and possible financial savings. In this regard, I would appreciate knowing:
    1) Are there any attractions (museums, Belem Tower, etc.,) that require mandatory reservations in advance to visit or is it enough to just show up directly there during opening hours?
    2) Where to reliably find opening days and times of Lisbon attractions? (In Italy, museums are generally closed on Mondays).
    3) Can I quickly buy the Lisboa Card directly on Saturday morning 8 from 10 am at the Rossio tourist office in Praça D. Pedro IV, paying there by credit card ?

    Thank you
    Gian Vito

    March 5, 2025 12:22 pm

    buenos dias aun no estoy segura de mi fecha de visita a lisboa si a finales de este mes o primeros de abril y el precio varia de un mes para otro
    tendre problemas si la compro para marzo y luego voy en abril???


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